CBER provides objective, transparent, and multidisciplinary analysis to inform strategic decision-making.



Economic Impact and Needs Assessment


Benefit and Cost Analysis


Industry Market Analysis


Policy Analysis




Survey Design and Implementation


Socioeconomic Analysis and Population Projections

What We Do

CBER responds to requests for information from state and local government agencies, chambers of commerce, public and private researchers, industrial organizations, news media, and private citizens.

For an honorarium, Center staff may make presentations at conferences and meetings. To schedule an event, email uacber@culverhouse.ua.edu or call (205) 348-6191.

Our population and forecasting models can be applied to produce forecasts for specified geographic areas.  We can also customize econometric models to analyze the economic impact of an industry or a major economic event on an area.  CBER can also prepare demographic profiles.

CBER has produced forecasts of economic activity in Alabama since 1980.  These forecasts cover Alabama Gross Domestic Product, employment, and income by industry group and are published in the annual Alabama Economic Outlook.  Forecast updates are produced quarterly.

CBER conducts the Alabama Business Confidence Index (ABCI) quarterly.  The online survey provides a forecast of how Alabama business executives think the nation, the state, and their industry will perform during the upcoming quarter. Results of the survey are published in a quarterly online newsletter available here. CBER is capable of conducting large and small surveys through our partnership with the Capstone Poll.

View the Most Recent Survey Results

Housing the Alabama State Data Center, we are your source for the most current analysis of Census data, population estimates and projections, and other demographics throughout the state. CBER uses economic and statistical modeling and analysis techniques in funded research projects.

CBER and the Census Bureau have a joint working relationship that helps to improve population and housing unit estimates for the State of Alabama, its counties, cities, and towns. The U.S. Census Bureau Federal-State Cooperative for Population Estimates (FSCPE) program was established in 1967 and is necessary to increase the effectiveness of the Census Bureau’s Population Estimates Program. CBER provides local knowledge and demographic insight to the Census Bureau, while the Census Bureau provides CBER with access to population and housing unit estimates review files and research projects.

CBER is also a member of the U.S. Census Bureau Federal-State Cooperative for Population Projections (FSCPP). This program provides a close working relationship between the agencies and promotes the improvement and advancement in the techniques, methodologies, and testing of population projections. CBER produces population and household projections for Alabama, counties, and smaller geographies.

Completed Projects

Economic Impact and Needs Assessment
  • Economic Impact of The Boeing Company on Alabama
  • Economic Impact of the Coalbed Methane Industry
  • Economic Impact of Retirement Systems of Alabama-Owned Investments on Alabama
  • Economic Impact of Mercedes-Benz U.S. International on Alabama
  • Economic and Fiscal Impacts of a Combined Cycle Power Plant in Lee County, Alabama
  • Socioeconomic Indirect and Cumulative Impact Components for the Tuscaloosa East Bypass
  • Economic Impact of Medicaid on Alabama and its Five Largest Counties
  • Economic Impact of Honda Manufacturing
  • Economic Impact of Marshall Space Flight Center
  • Economic Impact of the BP Oil Spill on Alabama
Benefit and Cost Analysis
  • Economic Analysis of Changes in Property and Utility Taxation on Telecommunications in Alabama
  • Huntsville Area BRAC Transfers: Economic and Transportation Impact Assessment
  • The Cost of Child Maltreatment to Alabama Economy
Industry Market Analysis
  • Telecommunications in Alabama: Economic Analysis of Changes in Property and Utility Taxation
  • Economic and Fiscal Impacts of Solar Energy in Lauderdale County
  • Economic Impact by Industry of Medicaid Expansion in Alabama Under the Affordable Care Act
  • Economic Impact of an Offshore LNG Import Terminal
Policy Analysis
  • Telecommunications in Alabama: Economic Analysis of Changes in Property and Utility Taxation
  • Economic Analysis of Changes in Property and Utility Taxation on Telecommunications in Alabama
  • Cullman County Area Population and Economic Projections for Water Supply Planning
  • Greenhouse Gas Inventory and Policy Planning to Reduce Greenhouse Gas Emissions
  • State of Alabama Workforce Reports
  • Alabama Economic Outlook
  • Alabama Business publication
  • Alabama Revenue Forecasts
  • An Empirical Evaluation of the Efficacy of Impact Fees for Madison and Shelby County Alabama
Survey Design and Implementation
  • Employer Benefits Survey 2019
  • State of the Alabama Workforce
  • Alabama Business Confidence Index
  • Survey Design for Paddling Activities and Related Outfitters Business Operations in Alabama
Socioeconomic Analysis & Population Projections
  • Demographic Projections
  • Forecasts of Selected Socioeconomic Variables for Montgomery, Elmore, and Autauga Counties in the Montgomery MPO Area
  • Economic Impact of The University of Alabama
  • Economic Impact of Arts and Science College, The University of Alabama
  • Economic Impact of Culverhouse College of Business, The University of Alabama