Free 2023 ASDC Fall Data Conference

Free 2023 ASDC Fall Data Conference

  • October 10th, 2023

The Alabama State Data Center (ASDC), housed in the University of Alabama’s Center for Business and Economic Research (CBER) hosted its annual Census data conference on Thursday, November 9, 2022 from 9:00am to 12:30pm CST. The free virtual conference included presentations on the latest updates from the Census Bureau’s 2020 urban-rural classification system; the Population Estimates Program; the Economic Census; and the recently published 2020 Census Demographic and Housing Characteristics file.

Click on the red, bold titles below to view the slides for the presentations. For recordings of the webinars, reach out to Susannah Robichaux, CBER socioeconomic analyst and lead for the ASDC, at

Alabama State Data Center Fall 2023 Conference
Thursday, November 9, 2022: 9:00am – 12:30pm

Welcome and Introductions | Susannah Robichaux, ASDC Lead / Socioeconomic Analyst, The University of Alabama’s Center for Business and Economic Research; and Devon Reed, Liaison to the State Data Centers and Census Information Centers, Data Users Branch, U.S. Census Bureau.

Population Estimates from the U.S. Census Bureau| Kevin Barragan-Smith, Demographer/Statistician Coordination, Dissemination, and Outreach Branch, Population Division, U.S. Census Bureau. This presentation was an overview of the Census Bureau’s Population Estimates Program (PEP), which produces population and housing estimates for the United States, its states, counties, cities, and towns. It included some background information about how the estimates are made, what estimates are available, and a detailed walkthrough of how to access estimates. It also gave an introduction to the Population Estimates Challenge Program, which allows governmental units to submit requests to revisit that year’s estimate if they suspect there has been a technical error or incorrect input data. Lastly, it covered the national population projections released by the PEP. As a reminder, CBER produces county population projections that are available on our Alabama Demographics page.

2020 Census Data Products and Disclosure Avoidance | Matthew Spense, Senior Advisor for Special Population Statistics and Disclosure Avoidance, Population Division, U.S. Census Bureau. This webinar was an overview of 2020 data collection, data protection (differential privacy), and the data products released including the Apportionment file, Redistricting data; and the Demographic and Housing Characteristics File (DHC).

Economic Census Updates | Adam P. Grundy, Supervisor, Data User and Trade Outreach Branch, Economic Management Division, U.S. Census Bureau. The Economic Census provides the most comprehensive measure of the U.S. economy, producing industry statistics at the national, state, and local levels. Its data products provide the foundation for other key measures of economic performance. This information is used by businesses, policy makers, local governments, communities, individuals, students, and researchers for economic development, business decisions, strategic planning, and data reports. This presentation will be an overview of the program and the available data products. It also had a detailed walkthrough of how to use the Census Business Builder 5.3.

2020 Urban/Rural & Geography Updates | Byron White, Geographer, Address and Spatial Analysis Branch, Geography Division, U.S. Census Bureau. This presentation offered an overview of the Census Bureau’s urban area criteria; the key changes for the 2020 Census Urban Areas; key 2020 Census Urban Area trends; and what is next for urban areas.