CBER Hosts Annual Census Data Conference
- May 17th, 2021
The Alabama State Data Center (ASDC), housed in the University of Alabama’s Center for Business and Economic Research (CBER) hosted it’s annual Census Data Conference on Thursday, May 20, 2021 from 9:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. The virtual conference featured speakers from the U.S. Census Bureau who present on a variety of topics including a review of the 2020 census and data release dates, how to access data using data.census.gov, upcoming geography surveys, and making the most of the Census Bureau’s economy and business data. Click on the red titles below to view the slide deck from each presentation.
Alabama State Data Center 2021 Data Conference
Thursday, May 20, 2021: 9:00 a.m. – 12:00 p.m.
Welcome and Introductions | Susannah Robichaux, ASDC Lead / Socioeconomic Analyst, The University of Alabama’s Center for Business and Economic Research
Introduction of Speakers and Overview Interactive Chat Q/A Discussion | Carletta Singleton, Partnership Specialist, Atlanta Regional Census Center, U.S. Census Bureau. Review topics, speakers, and instructions for virtual chat question/answer (Q/A) discussion.
2020 Census Recap & U. S. Census Thank You Campaign | Marilyn Stephens, Partnership Coordinator, Atlanta Regional Census Center, U.S. Census Bureau. This presentation gave a brief overview of the 2020 Census field operations, the Thank You Campaign, and a highlighted timeline for data release.
Overview of New Changes to Census Data Website | KaNin Reese, Chief of the Dissemination Outreach Branch, U.S. Census Bureau Headquarters. This presentation focused on innovative changes to the data.census.gov website, data tools, and content making data easy to discover, access, and analyze. Learn about the changes to the census data site to navigate and maximize your use of Census Data!
2020 Census Geography Updates for Alabama | William Curry, Geographer, U.S. Census Bureau, Atlanta Regional Office. This presentation on 2020 Census Geography highlighted LUCA, BAS and provided data users updates on changes in census geography in Alabama for census tracts, census blocks, census designated places federal and state tribal areas.
Economic and Business Surveys, Economy Census Data Profile | Andrew W. Hait, Survey Statistician / Economist, U.S. Census Bureau, Washington, D C.: This session provided a brief overview of data for Alabama from key Census business programs, including the Economic Census, County Business Patterns, and the Annual Business Survey. The presentation gave tips to data users for incorporating these data with the American Community Survey (ACS) data to better understand the Alabama economy, and how to use key tools such as Census Business Builder and demonstration on the COVID-19 Hub.