Last Push for Alabama’s 2020 Census
- August 31st, 2020
As the lead for the Census partnership with the State of Alabama, CBER’s Alabama State Data Center is working to ensure that Alabama Counts! With high stakes on the line, including 2 congressional seats, billions of federal dollars of funding, and the importance of accurate data that will inform planning and decisions for the next 10 years, it is critical that Alabama work hard to get everyone counted before the September 30th deadline.
Alabama currently only has a 61.7% self response rate, but there’s still time to make sure your community participates in the Census. Folks can still self-respond from any computer or smart device at https://2020census.gov/ or can fill out their Census using the official 2020 response line at 884-330-2020.
Below are some links to resources for Alabama’s 2020 Census. Click the headline to read more about them.
Census Bowl has 32 counties compete for $65,000!
As the 2020 Census comes to an end on September 30th, the Alabama Department of Economic and Community Affairs and Alabama Counts! are launching one final effort to boost self-response rates: the Alabama Census Bowl. Thirty-two counties will compete in a March Madness-style bracket to see who can have the greatest increase in their self-response rates each week. The top 8 counties will receive grants for their local public school systems ranging from $20,000 to $64,000. Get involved in your community or follow along here.
In-person Census Follow-Up Response has Begun
Please let your communities know that Census workers have begun going door-to-door to count the households that have not yet responded to the 2020 Census. Census workers have been trained to follow proper health and safety guidelines, and will carry a valid ID badge with their photograph, so you can be confirm their ID. Read more about what to expect here, and share widely!
2020 Census Toolkit – Free Resources
Check out these free 2020 Census promotional materials that include hype videos with Alabama celebrities, informational posters, door hangers, graphics for social media posts, yard signs, and more! There is also specialized material tailored to different community groups and entities, so there’s something for everyone.