Median Family Income for FY99
- July 26th, 2019
Median Family Income for FY99
The Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) recently released estimates of median family income for Fiscal Year 1999. Median family income is calculated annually for each metropolitan area and for each nonmetropolitan county. Separate estimates for counties within metropolitan areas are not available. Fiscal year median family income estimates are based on median family income from the 1990 census updated with Bureau of Labor Statistics earnings and employment data and Census divisional P-60 median family income data.
Alabama’s FY99 median family income was $41,500, 86.8 percent of the United States median of $47,800. Alabama ranked 39th among the 50 states on median family income. From FY98 to FY99, median family income in the state rose 7.2 percent compared to a national increase of 5.5 percent.
Five of Alabama’s ten metropolitan areas had FY99 median family incomes above the statewide median. Median family incomes of $54,600 in the Huntsville MA and $47,900 in Birmingham were also above the national median. Other metro areas above the statewide median include Montgomery ($47,000), Decatur ($46,500), and Tuscaloosa ($42,400). Among the state’s 46 nonmetropolitan counties, only Henry and Lee were at or above the statewide median family income. At $23,000, Wilcox County’s median was the lowest in the state.