Alabama Gains Residents from Migration in 1997-98

Alabama Gains Residents from Migration in 1997-98

  • July 26th, 2019

Alabama Gains Residents from Migration in 1997-98

Alabama continued to gain new residents from interstate and international migration between 1997 and 1998, but at a slower pace than during the previous year. According to IRS data, 96,693 individuals moved into Alabama from other states and foreign countries, while 88,740 moved out. This amounts to a net increase of 7,953, below the 10,423 new residents added during 1996-97.

The largest exchanges of residents were between Alabama and Georgia and Florida. From 1997 to 1998, 15,682 Alabamians moved to Georgia, while 14,181 Georgians moved to Alabama, for a net loss to Alabama of 1,501 residents. In contrast, the exchange of 12,621 Floridians moving in and 12,060 Alabamians moving out to Florida netted the state 561 residents.

Overall, the largest net gains of new Alabamians were from Missouri (2,495), Illinois (1,532), New York (848), Michigan (608), and California (562). While Alabama lost residents to 12 states and the District of Columbia, most of the outflows were about 100 or less. After Georgia, only Tennessee (768) and North Carolina (388) netted many Alabama residents.

While Alabama experienced population growth from migration during 1997-98, the gain of 7,953 reported by the IRS is well below that of many southern states. Florida saw the largest net influx of residents (114,483), followed by Georgia (59,982), North Carolina (54,234), South Carolina (23,775), and Tennessee (21,972). Louisiana saw the loss of 12,642 residents during this period, while Mississippi gained 2,702 and Kentucky netted 6,113.

The Internal Revenue Service also calculates median adjusted gross income (AGI) for in-migrants and out-migrants. Alabama was one of four southern states where the median AGI of those moving in ($19,778) exceeded that of those moving out ($19,564). And, at $22,655, the median AGI of Alabamians who stayed in the state was substantially higher than for those who moved in or out.

Note that these IRS data do not provide a complete count of migrants since they only count taxpayers and their dependents. The Census Bureau uses additional records to arrive at its estimate of total net migration into Alabama from 1997 to 1998 of 11,431. By Census Bureau estimates, Alabama gained 126,168 residents from migration between April 1, 1990 and July 1, 1998. However, no detail of interstate movement is available for these totals.
